This August I am joining forces with Angie Doughty, art curator, to exhibit our artwork for the South Australian Living Artist Festival (SALA).
As an art lover, you are invited to attend our opening on August 6 from 6-8pm. Pop in on your way home, and share a glass with the artists.
Where: Co.Gallery, 226 Shepherds Hill Rd, Bellevue Heights SA
When: Friday August 6, 6-8pm
Numbers are limited. Please DM to register your intent.
This event is co-sponsored by SA wine brand @tin_shed_wines. Their wines will be complimentary on the night with order forms at the ready for speedy delivery to your door.
Numbers for the opening are limited to 35, which will give us enough room to check out the artwork, and enjoy a glass of wine. If you would like to come, just register your interest with Co.Gallery or myself and we’ll pop your name on the door.
If you’re busy that night, the exhibition will run throughout the month of August, so you can drop in during opening hours to have a look.

I’ll have an eclectic selection of my work there, from some abstracts that I’ve finished very recently – to some land and seascapes that are years old – from the ancient days before I decided to focus on abstract. It really has been a bit of a journey to get here, and this exhibition is a visual representation of that.
For me, creating art has always been about self expression. Growing up as a very quiet youngster, it became a key way of expressing myself. Even though I enjoy creating representational work, showing my love of nature and figuring out the logistics of composition, I find that abstract art is the perfect avenue for me to share my voice, my feelings, and my story without reservation, and without fear of being ‘too much’. I use my art practice as a way to process the world, and find my place within it.
My work is sometimes described as thought provoking, dramatic, vibrant and intense. I hope the viewer is drawn into the energy of my paintings and taken on a journey, as it really has been a journey to paint each one.
Exhibiting is my way of sharing my story. Most of them are like snapshots of what was happening in my life at the time… diary entries of painted feelings. I am excited to be able to show them together in the one place. Many thanks to Co.Gallery for hosting this exhibition!
Hope to see you there,
– Kat